2023 is your year! This year we will be recognizing and celebrating our client achievements each month through the various health and fitness journeys. Successes in health and fitness may look different for each person out there. We hope hearing about what others are going through, persevering with many of the same ups and downs, will be encouraging and motivating to stay positive.
Noah has navigated his way from struggling to find time for extra physical activity and hating early morning workouts to regularly working out before 7am and consistently getting an extra 1-2 days a week in outside of his PT in the D workouts. As he says in his words, the success is not only in finding the time to do these things, but taking the time for your own healthy habits when there are other things that will always need to be done. A good lesson for all of us to remember...
"The trick is not feeling guilty…
Sneaking down to the basement to have a virtual workout with Robert while the kids get themselves ready for school…
Ducking out of work 45 minutes early to get to the rock climbing wall before it gets overcrowded with college aged hipsters…
Eating a late dinner to cram in another basement workout with Robert, while the kids play video games in the background (only after they’ve done their homework and fed the pets).
The time to fit in exercise is there, if I’m willing to give myself permission to take it.
Now, switching to a healthier diet? On that front, I’m pretty guilty…"
-Noah R