2023 is your year! This year we will be recognizing and celebrating our client achievements each month through the various health and fitness journeys. Successes in health and fitness may look different for each person out there. We hope hearing about what others are going through, persevering with many of the same ups and downs, will be encouraging and motivating to stay positive.
Defining success in the health and fitness world can be drastically different from one client to another. But no matter what the goal may be, the qualities of perseverance in tough times and determination to stay consistent are important to that client's success. Amy exemplifies both of these qualities as a working parent with a newborn (now toddler) to find time for prioritizing her health whenever possible. Here is a bit more about her story...
"The way I think about success with respect to my health has shifted quite a bit over the last 3 years. Like many others, during the pandemic my physical activity level took a pretty significant dip (and my intake of comfort food a significant bump...). On top of that I had 2 surgeries that limited my movement for about 3-4 months, shortly after that I became pregnant with my daughter, then managing postpartum recovery, turning 40, and the list goes on! I had to really adjust my expectations and goals through these ups and downs, which for me meant focusing on moving my body when I could, even if that's just a walk around the neighborhood, finding shortcuts with meal prep to help make healthier eating choices, and bringing more patience and self-compassion to where I am at this stage in my life. Having made it through almost 2 years as a working parent with a pretty demanding schedule--including fielding the daycare illnesses that seemed to knock me out, too--I'm beginning to notice the subtle payoffs of keeping a pretty consistent weekly workout with Robert, along with walking, gentle yoga, and the occasional Peloton class. Maybe that's buying a heavier set of weights or noticing I'm not as wiped out after certain activities. Of course, some days/weeks are better than others, but I try not to get as discouraged after a tough week. I can also see a time when I'll be able to set more ambitious fitness goals for myself again, but for now I'm doing what works. A big motivator for me is that I'm modeling healthy habits for my daughter. She makes me want to be healthier, too!"
--Amy L