When most people think of improving their fitness and health, they immediately focus on making improvements in the areas of nutrition habits and exercise. While those are important and a great place to start, it may be short sighted to leave a big piece of the puzzle out if you want to see progress from the time you are putting into eating better and exercising more. The often-forgotten variable that needs more attention is recovery.
Lack of sleep and excessive stress can quickly derail all your best efforts and slow any results you may see from eating better and finding time to exercise a few hours a week. For September, we are giving our clients a challenge to avoid the temptation to skip out on taking care of their bodies and focus a bit more on recovery. Check out all the information below if you would like to participate in our 10 Days of Self-Care/Recovery Challenge!
10 Days of Self-Care/Recovery September Client Promotion
What is the challenge?
Do 10 straight days of self-care/recovery. Acceptable types of activities include foam rolling/stretching at home or gym, yoga class or short session at home, quiet meditation anywhere, massage session, cold plunge bath/soaking, sauna session, etc.
NOTE ***Minimum time each day is 15 minutes. You can choose to do the same activity all 10 days or vary as you go. If you do a workout, that does not count as part of this challenge. These activities would all be independent of your normal strength training workouts.
Challenge begins Wednesday, September 4th and must be completed 10 straight days thru September 13th.
You must turn in documentation (see attached log) by September 16th.
**A template will be given for the foam rolling/stretching for a little guidance on what to do should someone choose to do that activity.
Who can participate?
Any current client of PT in the D
How do I sign-up?
Email ptinthed@gmail.com with "10 Days of Recovery" and we will add your name to the list!
Anyone who completes the 10 straight days and turns in the log will be entered into a drawing for a $75 gift card to Meta-Physica Wellness. 2 winners will be drawn. The log/documentation must be completed and turned in to be entered into the drawing!